9.Model Q.P. Understanding the Discipline

Forum of English Teacher Educators of Kannur University

Government Brennen College of Teacher Education, Thalassery

First Semester Model Examination December 2017 (2017-19 batch)

P 101.3: Understanding  the Discipline and Subject-English

Time: 2 Hours                                                                                                             Marks 50

Part A
Q 1 to  6. Answer all the six questions  in a sentence                                                        6x1=6
1.What is Morphology?
2.Give an example of an utilitarian aim of teaching English.
3.What is the use of Role Play in  the English classroom?
4.Mention any one reason for  poor pronunciation.
5.What is Productive skill?
6. What is  Discourse-based language teaching?
Part B
Q.7 to 11. Answer all the five questions  in  a sentence or two.                                    5x2=10
7.Mention any two problems of learning English as a Second Language.
8.Mention any two differences between oral and written language.
9.Mention any two advantages of silent reading.
10. Mention any two characteristics of good handwriting.
11.How is language item taught in the Structural Approach?
Part C
Q.12 to 19. Answer any six questions in not more than 100 words                                        6x4= 24
12.Write short notes on Objectives and Specifications.
13.Write short notes on Outcome  Based Learning.
14.Write short notes on  Receptive skills.
15.Illustrate with examples  Skimming and Scanning.
16.Write short notes on Blended Learning.
17.Mention any four principles of the  construction of a Language curriculum.
18. Write short notes on Krashen’s hypothesis.
19.Write short notes on the Communicative approach with specific reference  to  the roles of the teacher and the learner.

Part D
Q.20 to 21.Answer any one question in 400 words                                                 1x10=10
20.The present curriculum in Kerala can be described as “Activity-based, Learner-centred, Process-Oriented curriculum” .Explain with suitable illustrations.
21. Write a short essay on  the paradigm shift  in the  teaching of  English with the arrival of  the technological  era.
Posted by Dr.C.Praveen for FET@KU
Govt. Brennen College of Teacher Education


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