11.Model QP Assessment

Forum of English Teacher Educators of Kannur University

Government Brennen College of Teacher Education, Thalassery

Second  Semester Model Examination March 2018 (2017-19 batch)

P 202.3: Assessment for Learning: English

Time: 3 Hours                                                                                                             Marks: 80

Part A
Q 1 to 10. Answer all the ten questions  in a sentence or two.                                2x10=20                                                  
1.Define assessment.
2.What is formative evaluation?
3.What is e-portfolio?
4. What is the  use of Correlation as a statistical technique for  a teacher  of English?
5.What is Peer feedback?
6. What is online assessment?
7. Mention any two common methods of  Summative Evaluation in the English class.
8. Mention any two advantages of online grammar tests.
9. Mention any two advantages of internal evaluation.
10. Mention any two uses of rubrics with reference to e-materials.
Part B
Q.11 to 18. Answer all the eight questions  in a page.                                            5x8=40
11. Write short notes on NCF 2005 with special reference to the teaching of English.
12. Write short notes on the RTE, 2009.
13. Distinguish  between Assessment of  Learning and Assessment for Learning.
14. Explain  qualitative aspects of assessment with reference to  English.
15. What is a Criterion referenced test?
16. Elucidate the use and advantages of Project Work in English.
17. Suggest ways of providing  feed back  to learners after a term-end examination in English.
18. Prepare   four  different objective  type  questions  based on  any content of Std.IX.

Part C
Q.19 to 21.Answer any two  questions in 400 words.                                             2x10=20
19. “During assessment, in addition to evaluating the group’s output, instructors may need to find ways to determine how groups functioned and the extent to which individuals contributed to the effort.” Elucidate  the statement with reference to  suitable strategies  for assessing collaborative  group work for  language tasks  at the secondary level.
20. Write a short essay on Technology  as a tool for English  language assessment.
21.All of your assessment decisions taken as a whole will direct and alter children’s learning outcomes.” Prepare a  plan of action for assessment for secondary level learners of English ensuring that it fulfils the key idea encapsulated in the statement. 

Posted by Dr.C.Praveen for FET@KU
Govt. Brennen College of Teacher Education


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