10.Model Q.P.Pedagogy

Forum of English Teacher Educators of Kannur University

Government Brennen College of Teacher Education, Thalassery

Second  Semester Model Examination March 2018 (2017-19 batch)

P 201.3: Pedagogy of School Subject-Part 1:English

Time: 2 Hours                                                                                                             Marks 50

Part A
Q 1 to  6. Answer all the six questions  in a sentence                                                        6x1=6
1.Mention any one use of Pedagogic Analysis.
2.What is Stimulus Variation in Micro Teaching?
3.State any two maxims of teaching.
4. How can  parody be used meaningfully in the English class?
5.What are digital aids?
6. Why do we need  Diagnostic tests in English?
Part B
Q.7 to 11. Answer all the five questions  in  a sentence or two.                                    5x2=10
7.Mention any two problems related to English language education in Kerala.
8.Mention any two uses of the  Smart Phone  for teaching English.
9.Mention any two uses of the Language Lab.
10. Suggest  any two  school library-related activities  suitable for  a student of standard IX.
11.Explain Virtual Learning Environment.
Part C
Q.12 to 19. Answer any six questions in not more than 100 words                                        6x4= 24
12.Write short notes on Pedagogic Content Knowledge Analysis.
13.Write short notes on   teaching as art and science.
14.Write short notes on  Competency Based Language Teaching.
15. Explain with a diagram the  Micro Teaching Cycle.
16.Write short notes on Grading.
17. Explain how Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation  can be done in the classroom.
18. Write short notes on assessment using ICT.
19. Write short notes on global trends in English Language Education.

Part D
Q.20 to 21.Answer any one question in 400 words                                                 1x10=10
20.“Reports show that learners are  leaning towards social and collaborative learning and technology can support and enable this”. Discuss with reference to the teaching of English.
21. “A major concern of teaching English language for teachers has been assessing and evaluating students' progress during their courses of study”. Illustrate  how this can be effectively  realized with reference to  any secondary level Course Book.

Posted by Dr.C.Praveen for FET@KU
Govt. Brennen College of Teacher Education


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